2 VO spots for IBX airing on TV now!
Check em out!!

Audiofile Earphones award!!
We won!! https://www.audiofilemagazine.com/reviews/read/221242/birds-of-prey-by-kelley-armstrong-ace-atkins-cj-box-allison-brennan-sa-cos...

Audible's Best of 2022: 2 of my narrations!
What an honor to have two of my narrations featured in Audible's Best of 2022 wrap up!! Space 1969 and Young Rich Widows!...

Featured in the New York Times!!
My narration for Bad Dolls got an NYT feature! Check out the sample with my narration! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/23/books/review/ne...

I'm a Vulture Pick!!
My narration for "Bad Dolls" is featured in Vulture WOO HOO! https://www.vulture.com/article/best-audiobooks-2022.html

AudioFile Magazine Earphones award winner!!
What an honor! A sensational review of my performance narrating "Suspect" and the Earphones award for October-- Wow!! Select quotes:...

Top 3 Best Selling Audiobooks!! WOW!
Check out Young Rich Widows on Audible!!! https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/top-10-audiobooks-audible-84322980

Best Actress winner!!
Thank you Brightside Film Festival for this honor!!

Narrating for Apple News+!
Ever want your news read to you by a certified sweetie pie--your wish has come true!! I'm now narrating articles for Apple News+! Check...

Won the Mela Hudson Award for Best Actress!!
What an honor, thank you to the Art Is Alive Film Festival!